Les carences nutritionnelles spécifiques chez les patients présentant la maladie d'Alzheimer comprennent les acides gras oméga-3, plusieurs vitamines B et les antioxydants tels que les vitamines E et C. RÉFÉRENCE:
Veuillez lire l'article complet (en anglais seulement) : Abstract Epidemiological evidence linking nutrition to the incidence and risk of Alzheimer Disease is rapidly increasing. The specific nutritional deficiencies in Alzheimer patients may suggest a relative shortage of specific macro- and micronutrients. These include omega-3 fatty acids, several B-vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamins E and C. Recent mechanistic studies in cell systems and animal models also support the idea that nutritional components are able to counteract specific aspects of the neurodegenerative and pathological processes in the brain. In addition, it has been shown that several nutritional components can also effectively stimulate membrane formation and synapse formation as well as improve behavior and cerebrovascular health.The suggested synergy between nutritional components to improve neuronal plasticity and function is supported by epidemiological studies as well as experimental studies in animal models. The ability of nutritional compositions to stimulate synapse formation and effectively reduce Alzheimer Disease neuropathology in these preclinical models provides a solid basis to predict potential to modify the disease process, especially during the early phases of Alzheimer Disease. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 May 6;585(1):197-207. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2008.01.049. Epub 2008 Mar 4. The potential role of nutritional components in the management of Alzheimer's Disease. van der Beek EM1, Kamphuis PJ. Les commentaires sont fermés.
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Août 2017