Les thérapies traditionnelles actuelles (antihistaminiques, décongestionnants, cortisone, etc.) ne sont pas satisfaisantes et peuvent entraîner une variété de complications telles que la sédation, la capacité d'apprentissage / mémoire insuffisante, les problèmes cardiaques et l'incapacité d'effectuer des activités quotidiennes. Dix-neuf études ont été sélectionnées. Des niveaux inférieurs de vitamine D ont été associés à une prévalence de la rhinite allergique seulement chez les enfants. Le niveau moyen combiné de vitamine D chez les patients atteints de rhinite allergique était inférieur à celui des témoins uniquement chez les enfants. RÉFÉRENCE
Veuillez lire l'article complet (en anglais seulement) : Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2016 Sep;27(6):580-90. doi: 10.1111/pai.12599. Epub 2016 Jun 21. Vitamin D levels in allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kim YH1, Kim KW1, Kim MJ1, Sol IS1, Yoon SH1, Ahn HS2, Kim HJ2, Sohn MH1, Kim KE1. Abstract BACKGROUND: We aimed to systematically review observational studies investigating the relationship between vitamin D levels and allergic rhinitis (AR). METHODS: Studies were selected if they evaluated the relationship between vitamin D levels and AR, and included studies that evaluated other allergic conditions if those studies also contained data on AR. We assessed the incidence and prevalence of AR according to vitamin D levels and compared vitamin D levels in patients with AR to levels in controls. RESULTS: Nineteen studies were selected. Of these, only seven focused solely on AR; 10 studies evaluated the other allergic diseases as well as AR; and two studies evaluated asthma primarily, but also included data on patients with AR. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) for the incidence of AR according to vitamin D levels were not statistically significant for either children or adults. Lower vitamin D levels were associated with a higher AR prevalence only in children (pooled OR [95% confidence interval (CI)], 0.75 [0.58, 0.98]). The pooled mean vitamin D level in patients with AR was lower than that of controls only in children (pooled means difference [95% CI], -7.63 [-13.08, -2.18]). CONCLUSIONS: Prior vitamin D levels were not related to developing AR, but lower vitamin D levels were associated with a higher AR prevalence only in children. There is insufficient evidence to support vitamin D supplementation for AR prevention. However, physicians should consider evaluating patients for vitamin D deficiency during AR management, especially in children. Les commentaires sont fermés.
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Août 2017