Presented by Mr. Fletcher June 1 1936 and Ordered to be Printed by the United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1936 During the 74th Congress, Second Session, Document No. 264
IT IS BAD NEWS TO LEARN FROM OUR LEADING AUTHORITIES THAT 99% OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE DEFICIENT IN THESE MINERALS, AND THAT A MARKED DEFICIENCY IN ANY ONE OF THE MORE IMPORTANT MINERALS ACTUALLY RESULTS IN DISEASE. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives. Dr. Sherman of Columbia University asserts that 50% of the American people are starving for calcium. A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that out of 4,000 cases in New York Hospital, only 2 were not suffering from a lack of calcium. Many States show a marked reduction in the productive capacity of the soil * * * in many districts amounting to a 25% to 50%reduction in the last 50 years * * *. Some areas show a 10 FOLD variation in calcium. Some show a 60 FOLD variation in phosphorus * * *. Authorities * * * see soil depletion, barren livestock, increased human death rate due to heart disease, deformities, arthritis, increased dental caries, all due to lack of essential minerals in plant food. "We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is of importance for normal function of some special structure in the body. DISORDERS AND DISEASE RESULT FROM ANY VITAMIN DEFICIENCY. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless." This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of science to the problem of human health. -- Senate Document No. 264, 1936! Les commentaires sont fermés.
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