By Richard Drucker, PhD
Inorganic (synthetic/dead), ammonium-based fertilizers, along with herbicides and pesticides, kill the precious microorganisms in the soil that are essential to the creation of organic (carbon-based/living) mineral complexes. We have done more than simply use up the available trace minerals in our soils (those in the form of organic complexes). WE ALSO HAVE DESTROYED THE MEANS OF REPLENISHING THESE SOIL-BASED MICROORGANISMS. It is also easy to understand what Linus Pauling (twice awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine) meant when he explained to the 74th Congress of the United Sates, "Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic trace mineral deficiency." 17. SOIL MINERAL DEPLETION - CAN A HEALTHY DIET BE SUFFICIENT IN TODAY'S WORLD ? 18. SOIL DEPLETION Les commentaires sont fermés.
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Août 2017
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