We cannot live without cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural component of all the cells in the body and is essential in the production of the sex hormones and vitamin D metabolism. The cholesterol in our body has 2 origins: the endogenous source - the liver is the main place where the cholesterol is synthetized and the exogenous source coming from the diet. There are two types of cholesterol, HDL (high density lipoproteins, or "good" cholesterol) and LDL (low density lipoproteins, or "bad" cholesterol). The LDL (bad) cholesterol is picking up the cholesterol molecules from the liver and deliver it to cells. HDL (good) cholesterol remove excess cholesterol from the blood and take it to the liver. Study conclude that, the combined administration of atorvastatin and CoQ10 improved biochemical parameters, liver function and mitochondrial respiration in hypercholesterolemic rats. This beneficial effect of CoQ10 must be combined with statin treatment in patient with high levels of cholesterol. REFERENCE:
Lipids Health Dis. 2014 Jan 25;13:22. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-13-22. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation improves metabolic parameters, liver function and mitochondrial respiration in rats with high doses of atorvastatin and a cholesterol-rich diet. Jiménez-Santos MA1, Juárez-Rojop IE, Tovilla-Zárate CA, Espinosa-García MT, Juárez-Oropeza MA, Ramón-Frías T, Bermúdez-Ocaña DY, Díaz-Zagoya JC. Les commentaires sont fermés.
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